Based on Lois Lowry's popular young adult novel of the same name, "The Giver" is the engaging (and somewhat haunting) story of Jonas...a high school graduate assigned to be the Receiver of Memories. As he is introduced to these memories he realizes he must take drastic steps to save himself and everyone he loves.
Other recent films seem to have borrowed from this popular novel.
Sometimes films based on popular novels fall short.
Rated PG-13
1 hr. 40 min.
Visit the website and see the trailer.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy
Fans of this Marvel series will enjoy this entertaining story of a quirky team of heroes that join forces to destroy Ronan...a villain who is out to destroy the universe.
Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) delivered the right mix of fun and action to make his character work.
Other critics LOVE this film!
It's easy to get lost in the battle sequences (like so many other films).
Don't leave too early...short scene after the credits.
Rated PG-13
2 hr. 1 min.
Click here to see the trailer.
Fans of this Marvel series will enjoy this entertaining story of a quirky team of heroes that join forces to destroy Ronan...a villain who is out to destroy the universe.
Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) delivered the right mix of fun and action to make his character work.
Other critics LOVE this film!
It's easy to get lost in the battle sequences (like so many other films).
Don't leave too early...short scene after the credits.
Rated PG-13
2 hr. 1 min.
Click here to see the trailer.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Director, Richard Linklater gives us a groundbreaking coming of age film that was shot over a 12 year period allowing viewers to truly see the growth, the changes, and the ups and downs of Mason (Ellar Coltrane) and his family.
This is just a story about life, but it's so engaging that the almost 3 hour film goes by too quickly.
Are we more in love with the story or the uniqueness of this "project?"
Rated R
2 hr. 45 min.
Visit the website and watch the trailer.
Director, Richard Linklater gives us a groundbreaking coming of age film that was shot over a 12 year period allowing viewers to truly see the growth, the changes, and the ups and downs of Mason (Ellar Coltrane) and his family.
This is just a story about life, but it's so engaging that the almost 3 hour film goes by too quickly.
Are we more in love with the story or the uniqueness of this "project?"
Rated R
2 hr. 45 min.
Visit the website and watch the trailer.
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